Empowering families

15322573_10211394942214347_1579117412_oOver the last 4 years, I have been supported and nurtured by our homeopath Angelica Lemke N.D. and my dear friends and fellow homeopaths  Beth Monterosso  and Stephanie Newton. Together, we brought balance back to our children with multiple complex issues.  They taught me  to trust my intuition  with constitutional remedies, and natural health options.

I hope to guide you in learning to trust your intuition and learn how to support your family with the miracle of homeopathy and coaching you toward a more natural wellness lifestyle. My wish is to have parents be in control of their wellness  as much as possible. Guidance from myself is good ,but, I do not want total dependence on myself for taking care of your family- parent’s have the most powerful intuition that guides them to know what  their loved ones need most. I encourage you to read about homeopathy and other natural wellness products, buy books, eat real whole foods, support your nutrition with whole food vitamins, and ask questions. Be informed, so you can be more independent in caring for your family.

Let’s bring back balance  to our loves ones.
