
Heather has taken the time to listen to our needs and make suggestions based on what I have told her. Heather has also helped me with acute homeopathic recommendations, which she has experience and knowledge of. Heather is a good listener to all symptoms and is unbiased in her approach, which is difficult to find. Her site is amazing and I can totally recommend the services of Heather Stafford with confidence. Thank you for all of your help Heather for our family!

Ny, Ny

I am thrilled with my interactions with Heather. She helped me find a constitutional remedy that was a perfect fit. I felt worlds better so quickly. She has also helped guide me in coaching my family with natural wellness options. Highly recommended!


Wheeling, WV

I have struggled with monthly discomfort for a few yrs now. Homeopathy shortened the duration of the pain each month but I still had discomfort about two days each month. Using the natural wellness supports Heather suggested has now allowed me to relieve that discomfort.
A.M Kentucky

Since starting E on homeopathy with Heather this is what we see:
Calmer behavior and less meltdowns over transitioning.We clearly saw Improved cognition and academics and OCD. More verbal response answering “yes”. He has speech apraxia but is also making small steady gains in speech. Math skills have improved. We saw our pediatrician and she stated he  is “a different child”. He has stopped picking his toe nails. His energy levels are improving and has more stamina for play. He is more tolerant to music. E is going grocery shopping with me! No running mad and hysterical crying away from me! Heather I am so thankful and you don’t know how much! Everyday is something good and small and steady progresses, this summer we see a different kid. He helps himself when he wants water, shakes or snacks. Brushes teeth now with no bloody murder screams anymore! He was biting himself when really upset but he is understanding more and more that it is not right and that issue is also decreasing. He is a sweet boy but in last month has been coming all by self and giving kisses every 15 minutes!
Homeopathy helps him a lot. I can tell when he needs his remedy and starts getting upset for no reason, I give him his remedy and in a few hour he is back to the calm and happy boy. Everyday is clear that as we clean his body, rebuild his immune system and help him to communicate better we see less autism. A year ago I had a different child before Heather! Even my parents are impressed with E’s changes they can’t believe!! We still have work to do but I feel blessed and confident because I have your help. You have been very much open and supportive with other protocols we were doing right before homeopathy. Thank you for always support us!

V. A. Florida

I am thrilled with the progress my 7yo is making after Heather Stafford took our case. Henry had been getting negative behavior grades in school daily for two months. He also was obsessed with his genitals. Heather wrote a plan for us with 3 different remedies but wanted us to take things slowly.  Since starting, he has only had positive behavior grades and has had much more self control out of school. He also has stopped his genital obsession! So much big progress. I can’t wait to see the changes that happen when we add in the other remedies!


So many of us are dealing with issues in our lives, health, emotional and other things. I have struggled with skin and internal issues for a long long time, for years at this point. I realized after trying all kind of ways it was time to take the homeopathic route so I sat down with a very dear friend of mine who has such wisdom in this field and she introduced me to remedies that she wanted me to try. For the first time I have relief and I also feel I have control over what has been bothering me for so long. Not only is it helping my skin issues, it is helping me emotionally as well which is an added bonus I didn’t expect and my life is completely different because of this!!

I thank you Heather Stafford for helping and supporting me more than I could ever imagine!!!!

Since starting the remedy for our son (age 4), he has new words. He used to only say mommy and daddy. Now he is saying water, good-bye, owl and he learned the sign “elephant” in sign language. He is saying his vowel sounds much more clearer.  He is really playful now, and initiating play with another child at his school. He has never played with other children. He used to always push other kids away. He is more focused and sitting still and watching a television show with us. He never sits still. He was always on the move before. He does not have to have everything “just so” and doesn’t get upset if things are out of place, like before. If he gets upset, he easily calms down in a few minutes. He is not having melt downs and crying for hours anymore. He is no longer afraid of getting into the shower and getting wet. He actually played in the kiddie pool with another student at school. He stopped biting his finger nails down and making them bleed. He is having less potty training accidents. He can go 2-3 hours with no accidents. He is now waking up in the morning and having a dry pull up. He is sleeping all night. NO more waking up for hours in the middle of the night. He is using his PEC cards more and more to let us know what he wants, instead of screaming. He is happier and able to sit and focus on activities.

A. M., Westland, MI

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